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Corto de Natural Gas * por si alguien lo tradea *

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Corto de Natural Gas * por si alguien lo tradea *
Corto de Natural Gas * por si alguien lo tradea *

Corto de Natural Gas * por si alguien lo tradea *

HCH de libro

*are you ready for sub $3 gas at the pump?

You betchya. The chart is Dec Rbob gasoline at Nymex. It looks to be forming
has a pretty symmetrical head and shoulders top. Almost textbook. The
neckline comes in at 2.59 and that is 47c from the 3.06 high. If we get the
break, that would measure 2.12 at Nymex. The last time we had Nymex at 2.12
last November, retail gasoline was $2.86 nationwide, or 77c from current
levels. Using my simple minded linear analysis, 9mbd x 365 days x 42 gallons a
barrel x .77c = $106 billion freed up for consumers to spend. From the highs
and using the same math, that is $155 billion! I get it, I am taking two data
points and annualizing. But you get the drift. Nothing unlocks the power of
the US consumer like cheaper gasoline. If it occurs, I would expect a stronger
dollar (DXY was at 81 last November) and I think higher stocks as margins are
improved and economic data should be stronger. As for rates, I'd expect a
steeper curve as Bernanke will promise the sun and the moon today not to remove
any stimulus and 10yr yields would drift higher. The ticker is XBZ1. Thoughts?