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No me salen las cuentas con GM...

28 respuestas
No me salen las cuentas con GM...
No me salen las cuentas con GM...
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Re: No me salen las cuentas con GM...

Perdona Desembbotifarronel,
Podrías indicarnos qué mensaje pusistes y a qué dirección para que te dieran esa contestación.Supongo que citarías la entidad que te los vendió.

Gracias y un saludo


Re: No me salen las cuentas con GM...

Pues les mandé como siete correos a la dirección que sale más abajo. El último fue:
My question was not answered.
I want to know, for the debt instrument listed at the end of the Bar Date Notice " Fiscal and Paying Agency Agreement, dated as of July 3, 2003, between GM, Deutsche Bank AG London, as fiscal agent and paying agent, and Banque Générale du Luxembourg S.A., as paying agent, ISIN Nos. XS0171942757, XS0171943649 ", if the fiscal and paying agent or the indenture trustee or simliar fiduciary under the applicable or fiscal and paying agency agreement has filed a proof of claim against the debtor (MLC).
Thank you, "

Las respuestas anteriores siempre eran como sigue (aquí se vé la dirección de correo)


This e-mail is in response to your recent inquiry of the Motors Liquidation Company. Attached please find a "Frequently Asked Questions" document that should answer your question(s). This document has been updated recently with new information. This document answers a wide range of questions. Please review it carefully for the answer to your specific question.

If your question is not answered in the attached document, please e-mail back to us and indicate your question was not answered. Also, please leave your phone number so we may call you. Or, you may call our 800 number and leave a message. The number is 800.414.9607.

Your patience is greatly appreciated, as we have received many inquires and are
responding to them as quickly as possible.

Thank you.

Motors Liquidation Company

Y la última y definitiva respuesta fue

Date: 2009/11/2
Subject: Re: Response to Your Inquiry from Motors Liquidation Company
To: B F

The fiscal agent for euro bonds, Deutsche Bank, has indicated it will not file a proof of claim on behalf of bondholders. Your bonds are scheduled already, so it is not necessary to file a claim. You may do so if you would like. Attached is an FAQ specific to euro bondholders if you would like more information.


Re: No me salen las cuentas con GM...

Por cierto Alirgu, "copio y pego" el texto del documento que adjuntaban en ese último correo, todo lo demás está en la web de Motors Liquidation Company:
Motors Liquidation Company

Frequently Asked Questions for European Bondholders

Do Euro bonds have an indenture trustee? Must Euro bondholders file a claim?

Euro bonds do not have an indenture trustee. Euro bonds have a fiscal agent. Deutsche Bank is the fiscal agent for the following Euro bond indentures: those certain 7.25% Notes due July 3, 2013 and those certain 8.375% Notes due July 5, 2033. MLC has scheduled claims for Deutsche Bank in respect of these bond indentures in the approximate amount of $3.8 billion dollars. We do not know whether Deutsche Bank intends to file a proof of claim on the behalf of these bond indentures. If Deutsche Bank does not file a proof of claim, its scheduled claim will become an allowed unsecured claim in MLC’s chapter 11 case. You are permitted to file a proof of claim to preserve your legal rights under these bond indentures, but you are not required to do so. However, filed claims of individual bondholders may be considered duplicates of the scheduled Deutsche Bank claims and objected to or disallowed on those grounds. If you have any additional questions regarding your bonds you may wish to consult your legal counsel or contact Deutsche Bank directly.

When is the Bar Date?

The Bar Date in November 30. This is the date by which all claims must be filed.

Where can I get a claim form?

Go to See the page Claims Information. Click the link to download a blank claim form.
What should I put in item number 3: last four digits by which creditor identifies debtor?

This is any number by which you, the creditor, identify Motors Liquidation Company, the debtor. It is not necessary to populate this item.
Do I need to file a separate proof of claim form for each bond I own, or can I submit one form for all claims?

You may submit one form for all claims you have against the debtor. Or, you may submit multiple forms. The choice is yours.
Must the claim be submitted in dollars or can it be submitted in euro?

Forms submitted in Euro will be accepted. Conversions to dollars will be handled through the bankruptcy process.

What is the address to which the claim form should be mailed?

The Garden City Group, Inc.
Attn: Motors Liquidation Company Claims Processing
P.O. Box 9386
Dublin, OH 43017‐4286
What is the physical address if sent by courier?

The Garden City Group, Inc.
Attn: Motors Liquidation Company Claims Processing
5151 Blazer Parkway
Suite A
Dublin, OH 43017



Re: No me salen las cuentas con GM...

¡Vaya! ¡no se me ha copiado la dirección de e-correo!

es [email protected]



Re: No me salen las cuentas con GM...

Ya veo que los bonos que poseo están también representados en ese listado de Deuthche Bank. Yo también puse una consulta y me remitieron el mismo escrito que recibistes el 30-10.
Muchas gracias por tu valiosa información y un cordial saludo

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