Cartera inversis de España
Dentro del mercado español, estos analistas diseñan una cartera modelo con cinco valores españoles destacados como son ACS, BBVA, IAG, Mapfre y Repsol. A estas compañías se suman otras alternativas como CaixaBank, Iberdrola, Duro Felguera o Telefónica, en esta última con vistas a un dividendo creciente en el medio plazo.
Re: Informe inversis estrategia 2014, interesante
NOMURA STRATEGY : - We think that European equity markets will rise by 14% in 2014 (17% total return), with the driving force likely to switch to earnings growth rather than multiple expansion"
ML STRATEGY : In our base case European equity indices have 9-12% upside potential in 2014. We also believe that ECB action on deflation is key to a positive equity view.
BARCLAYS STRATEGY : We forecast a total return of 27% for the Pan-European market in 2014, which would take the market back to the highs achieved in 2000 and 2007. Earnings growth should accelerate to 12% as modest, but above- consensus, GDP growth returns.
CITI STRATEGY : Citi strategists’ market targets suggest a further 14% gain to end-2014 for Europe. Another rerating should drive half this gain, and a resumption of global EPS growth the other half.
GS STRATEGY : After three years of virtual stagnation we expect European profits to grow 14% in 2014 driven by an improvement in global growth and some rise in margins
Todos coinciden en alcistas...
Re: Informe inversis estrategia 2014, interesante
malo si todos coinciden , efecto contrario igual el siguiente año es plano
Re: Informe inversis estrategia 2014, interesante
Malo tampoco, yo más bien diría "lo mismo que todos los años" nadie se va a tirar piedras sobre su propio tejado y un vendedor de bolsa no va a decir que es un mal año