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Encuesta Margrave: ¿Cuánto dinero necesitas para vivir sin trabajar, y ser feliz?

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Encuesta Margrave: ¿Cuánto dinero necesitas para vivir sin trabajar, y ser feliz?
16 suscriptores
Encuesta Margrave: ¿Cuánto dinero necesitas para vivir sin trabajar, y ser feliz?
6.872 / 7.218

Re: Encuesta Margrave: ¿Cuánto dinero necesitas para vivir sin trabajar, y ser feliz?

Buenos dias a tutti!,

os acordais el post que os puse hace unos meses sobre las negociaciones de UE/US para el comercio transatlántico??

Bien, ahora vengo de descubrir que ya han tenido desde el año 1012 y 2013 130 reuniones, todo normal hasta ahí esta poniendo en marcha " EN SECRETO" el libre comercio con US/EU.

Digo normal porque para la UE es asi la forma que se negocia, pero cabe preguntarse si es bueno para todos los paises de europeos, respuesta =NO!!

Con quien se han reunido? con el lobby de la Industria europea ..., eso quiere decir que solo y exclusivamente son los BIG Buisness que tiendan el mercado US con muchisimas facilidades.¿raro que no sea para todos verdad?

A parte hay reuniones paralelas , que es estan haciendo del lobby del "grand capital" , pero no encuentro la documentación . En julio de este año han tenido una sobre el impacto que este acuerdo podrá tener sobre la legislacion enveromental, ¿raro no? porque habria impacto?..y tambien sobre lo alimenticio, ese mercado lo quiere USA para el...cambiaria muchísimas cosas sobre todo para los países decir el nuestro , creo que no es cosa buena.

Quien esta dentro? el lobby automóvil , es cosa buena para los alemanes, los francéses..(en cierta medida para españa por las fabricas de producción que trabajan para estas firmas..)

Un abrazo,

Hacer clik , para agrandarlo.

From: Olivier Hoedeman

May 02, 2013

Dear Raluca Moldovan, DG TRADE,

thank you for your email of 25 April (enclosed at the end of this
message), You argue that our application "concerns a very large
number of documents" and propose that we "could narrow down the
scope of your request, so as to reduce it to a more manageable
amount of documents (for example would you want the
correspondence/meeting reports with certain companies or
associations?)". We are surprised by your response, as our request
was actually very focused both in terms of topic, actors and time:
correspondence/meeting reports with industry on the EU-US FTA
talks, between January 2012 and today.

Unless it turns out that there have been hundreds of meetings and a
corresponding amount of correspondence, we are not convinced that
this is a request of the kind to which Article 6(3) applies ("an
application relating to a very long document or to very large
number of documents").

For now, we would like to maintain our request without narrowing it
down. We are very concerned that our request - on an issue of major
public interest - could suffer unjustified delay. To clarify this
matter, we believe that it would be appropriate for the Commission
to put together a full list of all meetings falling under our
request. Similarly, we would appreciate receiving a list of all
correspondence falling under our request.

If the number of documents (meeting reports and correspondence) is
indeed "very large", then we would like to receive a precise
timeline for when the documents will be released. We can accept if
for instance meeting reports are prioritised and released faster
than correspondence, but (based on previous experiences) we fear
that without a precise timeline there will be unreasonable delays.
Such a timeline also allows us to file confirmatory applications if
unreasonable delays occur.

Yours sincerely,

Olivier Hoedeman
Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO)

Subject: FW: Your access to documents request Gestdem 2013/2132
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2013 12:23:40 +0000
From: <[email address]>
To: <[email address]>
CC: <[email address]>

Dear Mr Hoedeman

We have tried to contact you on the AskTheEU emai address but I see
the server is down and the email keeps coming back to us. We refer
to your le-mail dated 19/04/2013 in which you make a request for
access to documents, registered the same day under the above
mentioned reference number.

Your application concerns a very large number of documents, which
need to be assessed individually. Such a detailed analysis cannot
be carried out within the normal time limits set out in Article 7
of Regulation 1049/2001.The handling of your request also involves
the assessment of documents originating from third parties. The
analysis of these documents, together with the need to consult the
third parties concerned in accordance with Article 4(4) 4(5) of
Regulation 1049/2001, cannot be expected to be completed within the
normal time limits set out in Article 7 of Regulation 1049/2001.

However, the Regulation also provides for a possibility to confer
with applicants in order to find a fair solution when an
application concerns a very large number of documents. Article 6(3)
provides that "in the event of an application relating to a very
long document or to very large number of documents, the institution
concerned may confer with the applicant informally, with a view to
finding a fair solution".

Based on this provision, we would kindly ask you whether you could
narrow down the scope of your request, so as to reduce it to a more
manageable amount of documents (for example would you want the
correspondence/meeting reports with certain companies or
associations?). If that is not possible and if you maintain your
request for access to all documents concerned by your application,
we propose to handle your application in successive stages. If you
accept this proposal, you could indicate an order of priority,
which we will follow as much as possible in handling your
application. You will receive, at regular intervals, batches of
documents which have been cleared for release or a reasoned reply
explaining why some documents cannot be disclosed.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Kind regards,

Access to Documents

European Commission
Unit A3 - Information, communication and civil society


Trade (TRADE)

May 31, 2013

Dear Olivier,

Thank you for your message. We are currently in the early stages of assessing your request and are not yet in a position to give a detailed estimate of the number of documents potentially covered. As you will be aware there is considerable interest in the EU-US agreement which has attracted a number of access to document requests. Yesterday, we were already able to reply partly to CEO's request (GESTDEM 2013/1521), (attaching 18 documents out of 43), related to investment aspects of the future EU-US agreement. However, your requests are not the only ones currently in the pipeline, meaning that we are not able to handle them as rapidly as we would like. We normally take requests in the order received and the time required relates to the complexity of the request made.

This was also the reason for our proposal of a fair solution regarding the timing, scope and handling of the request.

While we have not yet completed the process of identifying documents covered by the request, we already know that its breadth means that several units within the trade department as well as the Cabinet are involved. Our best guess for the moment is that we will only have a first overview of the situation during the middle of June and will update you at that point.

I wish you very nice weekend.
Best regards,

Access to Documents..


Trade (TRADE)

June 21, 2013

Dear Olivier,

Following my email on Monday, and absence of reply from your side, I assume that you are not available to talk with me on the phone about your access to documents request. In this case I will try to give you a little state of play and approach we taken to handle your request.

We will be treating your request in 3 parts:

1. a list of meetings of DG Trade officials and/or representatives (including the Commissioner and the Cabinet) and representatives of individual companies, including lobby consultancies and law firms, and/or industry associations, in which the upcoming trade negotiations with the US were dealt with (between January 2012 and 19/04/2013);
• This part of your request will be dealt under access for information rules, as we need to create a new specific list that contains all the meetings. I have already 1st draft made, containing around 65 meetings but I’m waiting for final contributions, to make sure that the list is complete, before we release it.

2. minutes and other reports of these meetings;
• Most of the meetings listed in the meeting list contain a report; around 60 reports are being screen by DG Trade under your request. Please note that even if we have around 60 reports that fall under your request we need to go through much higher number of documents to identify those, or parts that relate to your request.

3. all correspondence (including emails) between DG Trade officials and/or representatives (including the Commissioner and the Cabinet)and representatives of individual companies (including lobby consultancies and law firms) and/or industry associations, in which the upcoming trade negotiations with the US were dealt with (between January 2012 and today).
• We have started identifying the documents for this part of your request, as we go, but we will only start screening them after the first batch containing documents under point 2 will be in circulation for approval of our hierarchy.

I can understand that you would be willing to get an indicative date to receive these documents, unfortunately, we cannot yet commit to a specific date, due to the following reasons:
• the team that are screening the documents are very much involved in negotiations process, meaning that they are also preparing for the 1st round of negotiations that will take place week of 8th of July.
• documents you are asking for, have a sensitive nature. They contain our negotiating positions towards US as well as our reflections on the positions of the US. We need to screen the documents cautiously in order not to damage the climate of confidence needed for upcoming negotiation process.
• big part of the documents comes from third parties, and in some cases we need to consult them.

We will try to do our best in sending you 1st batch (containing documents under 2nd part of your request + list of meetings) by the end of July, please keep in mind that this date is only indicative and I will keep you informed on further developments of your request in a meantime.

I'm happy to discuss further if you have any questions

Kind regards,

Access to Documents

European Commission
Unit A3 - Information, communication and civil society

Trade (TRADE)

August 26, 2013

Dear Olivier,

Thank you for your message.

To answer your first question, let me clarify that we have taken a more open rather than a restrictive approach to your request while identifying all the meetings that would fall under your request.

Just as an example we have included meetings we had with trade unions such as ETUC and AFLCIO, think-thanks like CFR, or a workshop at Euroactive. Furthermore, we have also included all the meetings with the US Chamber of Commerce or events that they have organized to which we were invited. We have also included events where Commissioner or Cabinet members were invited to deliver a speech.

To answer your second question, I have sent a table that the HTML format used by asktheeu website does not seem to support correctly. We have identified 5 meetings which I list again below. Unfortunately we do not know the exact date for the second meeting and therefore only 4 dates had appeared in my previous email to you.

1. 10/04/2012 - BT Chairman visit ---- EU-US trade policy issues
2. Stakeholder Workshop EurActiv ---- EurActive debate on transatlantic relations
3. 18/10/2012 - Dr.T. Becker, BMW Group ---- Meeting on the latest developments and future perspectives in the field of EU-Trade relations
4. 28/11/2012 - CEN/CENELEC & ANSI ---- Transatlantic eMobility Round Table
5. 31/05/2012 - Mayer Brown Europe-Brussels LLP ---- Trade policy panel dedicated to US and EU FTA policies

We are working on the meeting's reports which we hope to be able to send you shortly, however it will not be in the beginning of September as indicated in my previous email, but more towards the end.

Kind regards,


show quoted sections



Re: Encuesta Margrave: ¿Cuánto dinero necesitas para vivir sin trabajar, y ser feliz?

Force, no tienes por qué darlas, aquí estamos para ayudarnos en lo que sea posible, pero de todos modos, gracias a tí. Saludos.


Re: Encuesta Margrave: ¿Cuánto dinero necesitas para vivir sin trabajar, y ser feliz?

Merkel ha ganado y con resultados nunca vistos desde hace mas de 50 años, eso debe de darle alas para hacer y deshacer a su antojo.

Los socialistas han perdido y mucho, los alemanes les encanta los "jefes " que ganan, que son fuertes...siempre que haya un "botín" para repartirse..y no sacrificios en poner en común (ya han dado mucho..tambien ganado mucho, son los primeros en haber ganado siempre desde la creación del Eurodeustch.

Es mal conocer la mentalidad alemana, ellos respetan la disciplina y la fuerza...Alemania vuelve a ser la de Bismarck.

Una mujer tenaz en sus convicciones ,BB


Re: Encuesta Margrave: ¿Cuánto dinero necesitas para vivir sin trabajar, y ser feliz?

Suelen decir lo que sus clientes quieren oír, hay poquísimos que dicen la verdad..porque la desconocen o porque no es "políticamente correcto".

Europa ha echo un enorme error, digo europa..pero es ciertos paises de europa (Alemania no lo cometió..por ejemplo), han descentralizado su producción, su saber..hasta las cosas básicas ..fuera de europa , eso es lo que nos mato..lo que creo tantísimo PARO en europa.

Por ejemplo, Telefonica ..que tienen casi todo fuera de españa..hablo de la compatibilidad de lo muchisimas se hace en España ni en europa.

Hay ingenierias que mandan su trabajo de delineante y techno a la India, ¿es normal ? todo vale?..NO..NO..NO..
ademas no son buenos, porque aquí los que quedan tienen que corregir..y volver a mandarlos allí para que corrijan...un va y ven..que no nada productivo. (lo se muy buena tinta! )

Un abrazo


Re: Encuesta Margrave: ¿Cuánto dinero necesitas para vivir sin trabajar, y ser feliz?

Efectivamente, esta contento...esta mañana ya estaba en pie a las 7 para su primer curro y después se dedica a lo otro.

Un abrazo


Re: Encuesta Margrave: ¿Cuánto dinero necesitas para vivir sin trabajar, y ser feliz?

Como tantisimos..eso quiere decir que tiene algo en el celebro? o es que los que "consumen" ese tipo de "poeple" tiene menos?.

Los políticos también viven del cuento, los sindicatos, una lista interminable.

La suma de ignorancia esta muy expandida, como decía Balzac " la ignorancia es la madre de todos los crímenes".

Un abrazo


Re: Encuesta Margrave: ¿Cuánto dinero necesitas para vivir sin trabajar, y ser feliz?

Disparo distinto.

Indonesia pero cotiza en NY, no soy camicaze todavía.

Hace unos sies meses hable de una chantada (que ya había comprado en 2012 donde gane un 58 % en tres mese) si hubiera comprado en 2013 otra vez hace exactamente seis meses...meteria en el bote lo hice
porque la tenia entre tres y la metí en otra , gane pero la cuarta parte de eso.

Siempre que compro son cotizadas en NY, nada de cambiar mis dolares por otras divisas..tengo cuentas en solares que estan para eso ..para no tener que cambiarlos . Comprados a 141...como el cambio esta en mi desventaja si opero con cuenta euros, opero siempre con la de dolares para el mercado US.

Un saludo


Re: Encuesta Margrave: ¿Cuánto dinero necesitas para vivir sin trabajar, y ser feliz?

Hola Pumuka, pasate mas a menudo.

Un abrazo