Staging ::: VER CORREOS

"Scam", rizando el rizo.

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"Scam", rizando el rizo.
"Scam", rizando el rizo.

"Scam", rizando el rizo.

Os supongo a todos ya muy prevenidos contra "scams", "pishings" y demas timos de internet, pero no me resisto a comentar la última ocurrencia de los cibertimadores, hoy mismo me ha llegado un correo de la Obama's Foundation y no os lo perdais, dicen que han creado un fondo para resarcir a las victimas del "scam", JaJa.
Evidentemente tiene muy mala leche pues precisamente va dirigido a los que ya han "picado" una vez.

Copio el mensajito:

Greetings to you,

On behalf of the Obama's Foundation, we wish to notify you as a beneficiary of
$99,000.00 USD in compensation of scam victims.Do contact HSBC INTERNATIONAL
BANK, United Kingdom Branch for verification and release of your
$99,000.00 USD
that we have deposited with the HSBC BANK,UK.

The account log on will be presented to you by the bank in order to access the
funds before releasing into your nominated bank account. You will transfer the
funds into your nominated account on-line as the HSBC BANK,UK will provide the
necessary information to you. We have taken care of the cost of transfer
(C.O.T) and the VAT.Please if you are willing to accept the funds, do contact
the Managing Director of the HSBC BANK,UK with the following details: You are
to fill the appropriate form and submit to the bank.

[1] Full Names:________________
[2] Contact address______________________________
[3] Direct Telephone No: ___________________
|4| Occupation : ____________________________
[5] Age :_______________
{6} Marital Status:_______________

Managing Director of the HSBC BANK,UK
Name: Mrs. Roseline Wood
Private Email: [email protected]