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Sellos al 8% de Catalogo ???????????????

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Sellos al 8% de Catalogo ???????????????
Sellos al 8% de Catalogo ???????????????

Sellos al 8% de Catalogo ???????????????

Pre Built Portfolio Items

Pre-built Investment Portfolio: SAMPLE PORTFOLIO

If you would like detailed information about this amazing portfolio please contact Adrian Roose on +44 (0) 1481 708 277 or email [email protected].


1840 2d Blue Pl.2. Superb unused o.g. four margin example lettered MF. An exceptional example with wonderful colour andgum with an impeccable provenance. Ex. The Royal PhilatelicCollection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. 2001 RPS Cert.

Price: £45,000.00

AUSTRALIA 1931 SG: 138

1931-36 £2 black and rose, wmk 15, interpane block of 4 with'JOHN ASH' imprint, fresh unmounted o.g. with lovely colours. Light gutterfold as always and one shortish perf mentional for accuracy, but a superb piece of the highest rarity showing variety 'open-mouthed kangaroo' on lower right stamp (=R55). Only about half-a-dozen such imprint blocks of four have survived, and fewer unmounted !

Price: £35,000.00

GREAT BRITAIN 1878 SG: 128var

1878 10s Greenish grey Pl.1. Superb unused o.g. imperforateimprimatur lettered BD. Very rare, one of only 24 possible examples, many of which are in institutionalised collections.1996 BPA Cert.

Price: £25,000.00


1972 9p Broadcasting Anniversaries. Superb unmounted o.g. vertical strip of three with Brownish slate (Queen's Head) omitted from the top stamp and partially omitted from the second. Rare.

Price: £7,000.00


1891 £1 Green Pl.2. Very fine and fresh unused o.g. examplelettered TA showing frame break variety at lower left. A couple of marginally shorter perfs at top right nevertheless alovely example of this very rare variety. Cat. £6500. 1974 RPS Cert.

Price: £5,500.00


1913-19 £10 purple and dull ultramarine, the original shade,brilliant o.g. One shortish perf, still a lovely example ofthis rarity, with only the barest trace of hingeing.

Price: £5,500.00


1930 Air Mail 50c on 36c sage-green 'Columbia', brilliant o.g. A lovely example of this key rarity, from pos. 4 of the setting. Only 300 issued, of which 100 were used on covers. RPS Cert (1977).

Price: £5,000.00

TRINIDAD 1861 SG: 59

1861 (June) 1s deep bluish purple, rough perf 14-16� (trimmed at left) with very fine part strike of the Perkins Bacon 'CANCELLED' handstamp. Position 6 from the original block of6 (3x2), from which one is in the Royal Collection. A littlethinned at top, but most attractive and desirable. (cat £8000).

Price: £5,000.00

GREAT BRITAIN 1912 SG: 399var

1912 2s6d "Seahorse" plate proof. Superb unused example printed in dull blue-green on glazed card. Very scarce.

Price: £5,000.00


1840 1d Rainbow trial (State 2). Very fine unused four margin example in deep red brown on thin white wove paper showingtiny dash in lower right hand corner square from position R.3/2. Spec. DP20

Price: £4,500.00

GREAT BRITAIN 1888 SG: 186var

1888 £1 Brown lilac (Wmk. Three Orbs). Very fine and fresh unused o.g. example lettered CD overprinted "SPECIMEN" type 11. Scarce.

Price: £4,500.00


1915 (Sept) set of 6 G.E.A. fiscal stamps with type M3 'O.H.B.M.S./MAFIA' circular handstamp, comprising 'Trade statistical charge' five values to 1r, and 25h 'Translation fee'. large part o.g. to o.g. 24h with slight hinge thinning, otherwise really fine for this rare set. BPA cert (1986) for 25hdull green, clear Holcombe opinion (1991) for the others.(cat £4750)

Price: £4,000.00


1902 2�d Ultramarine (Board of Education). Superb unused o.g. example of this rare departmental issue. 2008 BPA Cert.

Price: £3,250.00


Japanese Occupation. 1944 (4 Dec) registered censored coverfrom Labuan ('Maeda-To') to Kuching, franked at 23c rate (8cpostage + 15c registration) by North Borneo Jap Occ 1944 (30 Sep) 3c and 20c, type 4 opt (SG J22, 29), tied by fine type JD3 'MAEDA-TO' cds, with red framed registration handstamp(type JR5) at left, and two framed censor chops in red on face. Trivial imperfections but a very rare and desirable cover, the latest recorded of the few registered covers from Labuan during the Occupation. Ex Rowell (Spink Singapore 22/6/97, lot 1492, realised S$6670).

Price: £3,250.00

GREAT BRITAIN 1878 SG: 129var

1878 £1 Colour trial. Very fine unused o.g. imperforate example printed in deep grey-black lettered CG, overprinted "SPECIMEN" type 9. Scarce.

Price: £2,200.00

AUSTRALIA 1915 SG: 44b

1915-28 £1 bistre-brown and bright blue, wmk 6, very fineo.g. Rough perfs as often but well-centred and lovely colour. Very scarce in this quality.

Price: £2,000.00


1942-44 8c red, type 1 H/S in violet, block of 9 from rightof sheet with positional guide cross (Rows 4-6), the centrestamp error OVERPRINT OMITTED, unmounted o.g. A very rare and spectacular multiple, which was the basis of the initial listing of this error in Part 1 1999.

Price: £1,800.00

IRELAND 1922 SG: 2b

1922 1d scarlet, opt type 1 by Dollard, block of 4, error 'Overprint double, both inverted, one albino', fresh o.g. lower pair unmounted. BPA Cert (1967) as former SG 2a prior to current listing. Rare multiple.

Price: £1,400.00

If you would like detailed information about this amazing portfolio please contact Adrian Roose on +44 (0) 1481 708 277 or email [email protected].


Re: Sellos al 8% de Catalogo ???????????????

¿Contra Staley Gibbons tambien? Ja,ja,ja.

Esto llega a ser obsesivo. A ver si te van a hacer el truco del avion como a la Yabar y a los concursales.


Re: Sellos al 8% de Catalogo ???????????????

Mira que eres.... Tu al menos no te escondes, y reconoces que eras empleada de Afinsa. ¿Empleada o comercial? Ya puestos a participar con compañeros afectados, ¿te importa decir qué retribuciones percibías? Porque los contratos que yo he visto daban un 20% anual del dinero captado.... ¿inocente o culpable? Por sus actos (en este caso mensajes) los conocereis.


Re: Sellos al 8% de Catalogo ???????????????

Claro que no me escondo Alfred. Todo lo contrario, estoy bastante orgullosa de decirlo. Cuando uno es un profesional y además es coherente con lo que dice y con lo que hace, no tiene de qué esconderse.

Quizás es lo que les falte a estos que tanto miedo les da enfrentarse a la vida.

En cuanto a mis honorarios te los diría si procediese hacerlo, cosa que no considero sea el lugar, el momento ni la persona adecuada.

Quienes realmente les afecta un dato así, ya lo saben.

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