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Conthe desvela conspiracion en el caso Forum-Afinsa

10 respuestas
Conthe desvela conspiracion en el caso Forum-Afinsa
Conthe desvela conspiracion en el caso Forum-Afinsa
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Re: Conthe o por la boca muere el pez

Estimada Milita,

Esta historia estara pronto publicada en nuestro web :

Jesus Fernandez Prada, Forum Filatelico and
the real story of the Equatorial Guinea Stamps for Investment scandal
All the facts about Jesus Fernandez Prada, his company, Forum Filatelico of Madrid and the Equatorial Guinea Stamps for Investment scandal coming soon. In the meantime, check out his involvement in the Liberian forest scandal, exposed by Greenpeace and an article from the Financial Times expressing serious doubts about the whole Stamps for Investment market, seen on the Think Finance website.

See the Breaking News sidebar for latest updates and the menus below for current stories and stories we shall reveal over the coming weeks.

Current stories are in the first drop down menu but make sure to check the menu of future stories for a list of other major scandals that we shall be exposing and make sure you check back for regular updates.

Please email us if you have a story of your own that you think we should feature or if you would like to offer your opinions and comments.


Re: Conthe o por la boca muere el pez

Vaya los de Afinsa también estuvieron a punto de hacer algún "negocio" en Guinea, que interesante. JeJe.


Re: Conthe o por la boca muere el pez

Justiciero, si no te importa me mandas los escritos en español pues no tengo ni idea de ingles, con lo cual no me entero. Gracias

Un saludo

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